Haslingden Primary School

Our Core Values 

 Our friendly school is situated in the heart of our community of Haslingden. The school has excellent facilities including a multipurpose hall, a gymnasium, astroturf, climbing wall, sports fields, full wireless coverage, laptops and iPads, interactive screens and a large IT suite. Our pupils have a strong voice in the school through their School Council. Our staff team is well established. 

We aim for pupils to learn skills for life that they can develop through their secondary education and take into adulthood. 

School starts at 8.45am (gates and classrooms open at 8.35am for reading) and finishes at 3.15pm. 

Music, Arts and Creativity

Music and the creative arts play a big role in the learning that happens in our school.  Children have a wide range of opportunities to participate in musical and art based events.


Every classroom in the school is equipped with the latest interactive display screens that help bring the power of interactive and multimedia learning straight into the classroom.  Pupils also have use of laptops with wireless access and a suite with 30 PCs.


We provide a wide range of sporting opportunities and compete in many competitions including; cricket, football, rugby, gymnastics, swimming, rounders, handball, netball and athletics. Our dedicated PE team ensure that pupils have access to sports clubs after school and pupil participation in this is high. 

Extended School Provision

The school offers before and after school care and clubs.  Full details can be found in the Out of School section.

Mission Statement and Core Values

In our school we nurture helpful hands, a thoughtful mind and a kind heart so we are safe and successful learners.

At HPS, you start a journey that will see you through life. 


Feeling safe and trusted to take risks, knowing people care about and respect you and will give you the best support


Keeping physical and mental well-being at the heart of everything we do


Celebrating diversity and welcoming everyone, encouraging kindness, empathy and respect


Having the knowledge, skills and social and emotional attributes to ensure you are ready for your next step

See what our parents and carers said about our school during the OFSTED inspection (May 2024) below: OFSTED Parent Voice Survey

Our Learning Behaviours

  • Ruby – be kind and create an emotionally safe place
  • Diamond – taking responsibility in all aspects of our lives
  • Sapphire – focus and ignore ‘monster’ distractions
  • Emerald – be courageous and calm

Aims of the School

  • To provide a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum.
  • To ensure all pupils have access to an appropriate curriculum.
  • To inspire and motivate pupils to achieve their best in all that they do.
  • To provide experiences that enable pupils to see opportunities beyond their surroundings.

Our School Rule – written by members of our School Council

  • Be fair, care and share. Stay safe and do your best.

Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, to prevent concerns from escalating. In our school, staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. This system is described in statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’. We Work with social care, the police, health services and other services to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Equality and Diversity Statement

At Haslingden Primary School our mission is to ignite opportunity for all of our children and staff by following our core principles:

  1. Fostering positive attitudes and relationships to create a shared sense of belonging.
  2. Enabling everyone to be able to participate and feel welcome and safe in the activities of our school.
  3. Removal of inequalities and barriers that already exist are paramount.
  4. Everybody will be given the opportunity to participate and achieve to their fullest potential.
  5. Equality should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of all members of the school community. This includes children, parents and carers, staff, governors and the community as a whole.
  6. We will actively value and celebrate the differences between people

The school exists to ignite opportunities for everyone to achieve their potential. We will not be solely data driven in our commitments to diversity and inclusion. We will set audacious goals to ensure our children and this workplace reflect the highest standards to eliminate inequality. We are not confined to just fulfilling our legal duty but to tackling all manifestations of inequality.

Equality Objective 1

To ensure that our curriculum reflects the rich diversities of the UK and our local area in order to meet the needs of our children irrespective of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation and religion.

Equality Objective 2

To promote equality of opportunity in extra curricular activities.

Equality Objective 3

To ensure that all children with SEND have fair and equal access to an appropriate curriculum so that they make progress within core curriculum areas and that provision is made so that all children can access all curriculum areas.